
Shormann Calculus 2 Self-Paced eLearning Course

You save: $30.00
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Please allow 2 business days to set up your eLearning course(s). To login, follow the steps on your order confirmation email.
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit
Maximum Purchase:
1 unit

For details on what to enter in the student fields below, please see: How to Enter Student Information


STUDENT EMAIL: List an email address in the “Student Email” field that is not used by ANY other student in the eLearning campus. Don't have one? Learn More

Exam Prep: This course teaches all the concepts on the AP Calculus BC. Learn more

Sibling Subscription:
After purchasing Shormann Calculus 2 at full price, a sibling subscription ($43) can be purchased for the each child in your household when they are ready to take the course:
Sibling Subscription for Shormann Calculus 2



Watch this short video to view how the Self-Paced eLearning system makes learning faster and easier! 



 Featuring an integrated approach to math that includes technology applications and real-world word problems, Shormann Math is a 21st Century curriculum that provides excellent preparation for the new, redesigned  PSAT and SAT, as well as ACT and CLEP exams. Shormann Math is built on a biblical and historical foundation that teaches math as the language of science;  a tool used to better understand God and His creation. An emphasis on math history gives students a clearer picture of the "why" behind the math they are learning, while shedding light on modern math's rich Christian heritage. Hosted in a state of the art eLearning Campus similar to the systems used in college math classes, students learn more efficiently, building fluency with less homework than traditional Saxon texts. Students learn how to use math as a tool to explore their world and enhance their own God-given creativity. Learn more: Saxon vs Shormann Math 



Student Placement:  Placement Info & Tests

Prerequisite: Shormann Calculus 1 , Saxon Calculus 2nd Edition , or Completion of any publisher's Calculus course 

Credits: 1 Credit of Calculus 2 

Course Description:

Shormann Calculus 2 covers all content found on the AP Calculus BC Exam. A continuation of Shormann Calculus 1, 50 lessons are divided into 3 quarters. Calculus 2 also includes AP practice using past AP exams. Video solutions are provided for the “free response” (handwritten) portion of past AP Calculus BC exams, which is the most challenging part of the exam. The video solutions also cross-reference back to specific Shormann Calculus 1 and 2 lessons for deeper review (Calculus 2 students have access to all Calculus 1 textbook pages and video lectures). Shormann Calculus 2 continues our unique approach of connecting students to their world and their Creator through solving real-world problems, discussing math history, and discussing the biblical attributes of God found in mathematics. As in all Shormann Math courses, our main goal is for students to strengthen their faith in Jesus and His word, developing a Christ-like humility and joy in their learning, using their education as a way to serve. Topics covered in Shormann Calculus 2 include: advanced integration techniques including partial fractions, Euler’s method, differential equations, arc length, parametric equations, vector valued functions, vector dot and cross products, vector coordinate systems, polar equations, infinite series and error bounds, and representing functions as power series, including Maclaurin and Taylor polynomials and infinite series. When finished, students have a better understanding of God’s Word and His works (Matthew 22:29). Also, they are well prepared for college-level differential equations or vector calculus.



What's Included?

- Self- Paced eLearning Course Includes:

 -Video Lectures for every lesson

- Interactive homework with 20 questions

- Step-by-step solutions for every homework, quiz, and exam question

- Video solutions will be live in May 2018. 

- Printable Results Page with questions, student answers, and grade

- Weekly quizzes with automated grading and grade recording

- Quarterly exams with automated grading, practice exams, and solutions.

- Online grade book; parent can reset assignments and change grades

- Q&A email support with Dr. Shormann; Emails answered within 1 business day

-  Downloadable and printable* eTextbook, eSolutions Manual, and eTeacher's Guide

       *Printing is not necessary. It is only offered for those who prefer a physical textbook.



24 Month eCourse Subscription $144 per Course

- Setup on a 24 week schedule but can be stretched to 3 or 4 semesters

- 24 Month access to the eCourse for one student

- Self-paced; no due dates , parents can change grades and reset assignments

- Includes printable eTextbook, eSolutions Manual, & eTeacher’s Guide

- Most assignments can be completed offline

- Use as an honors, standard, or remedial course

- Subscription FAQs: Start Date, Student Email, Siblings


Discounted Sibling Subscription $43 per Course

-  $43 Sibling enrolled concurrently $43

- $43 Sibling enrolled at a later time (no time limit between siblings)

- Purchase sibling subscription when sibling is ready to start 


Continual Review

- Based on John Saxon’s teaching methods of incremental bite-sized lessons, continual review,

   and cumulative assessments

- Updated with 21st Century technology applications, real world word problems, and computer math


Comprehensive Video Instruction for Every Lesson

- 50 Daily lessons with 1 video lecture each (avg 20 min)

- Students take notes and work example problems

- Video lectures can be purchased for offline access 


Interactive Homework with Automated Grading

- 20 homework questions per lesson

- Work problems on paper first, then enter the answer

- Links to a similar practice problem and to the related video lecture make re-learning quick and easy

- Automated grading provides instant feedback

- Homework can also be completed offline using the eText, then enter answers into the eLearning system for grading

   or grade using the eSolutions Manual


Video Solutions Ensure Understanding

- Step-by-step explanation for each homework question

- Access is restricted until homework is completed and score is recorded

- eSolutions Manual is also available to parents


Interactive Quizzes and Exams with Automated Grading

- 14 quizzes and 3 exams

- Automated grading and grade recording

- Parents can reset assignments and change grades


Q&A Email Support with Dr. Shormann

- Q&A email support with Dr. Shormann

- eTeacher’s Guide and eSolution’s Manual 


Earn up to 12 College Credits via CLEP and AP Exams

- CLEP Calculus earns up to 4 college credits

- AP Calculus AB earns up to 4 college credits

- AP Calculus BC earns up to 4 college credits.

- Validate high school transcripts

- Can boost admissions and scholarship applications in the selection process


System Requirements

- Browser based eLearning system- like a website

- Access from any computer or device with a browser (Chrome or Safari) and internet access

- Speakers or headphones

- Offline access also available (see below)




 Teacher's Guide


Frequently Asked Questions          


Comparison: Saxon vs Shormann Interactive Math




This is a self-paced course. Instead of requiring the student to complete one lesson per day, use the timed method. This gives the student the time required to re-learn forgotten concepts, building mastery and, eventually, fluency. To do this, work on math four to five days per week for an hour and a half to two hours per day.  At the end of this time, regardless of how much of the lesson has been completed, have the student stop and pickup where they left off the next day. Over time, as fluency develops, learning math will become faster and easier and the student will accomplish more and more during this time. 


Samples:  Lesson 4

Each lesson is made of three components, Rules and Definitions, Video Lecture, and the Practice Set (homework). Following is a sample of each of these components in the order the student would complete. 


1. Read the Rules and Definitions section:


2. Watch the video lecture, taking notes and working example problems with Dr. Shormann.

Most lectures average about twenty minutes. 



3. Complete the Lesson Practice (homework). 

Work every problem on paper, then enter the answer and select Submit for instant feedback. There are two links above each question (see graphic below). One is a link to a similar example problem and one is a link to the video lecture that teaches that concept. If your answer is wrong, or you don't know how to do a problem, use these links to quickly re-learn and try to solve the problem again. Because the homework is practice, up to four attempts are allowed for each problem. Points are deducted for each wrong attempt which keeps the student from guessing. 



4. After completing all the questions, click Submit All and Finish at the bottom of the page. The system will calculate the score and store it in the online grade book. 



5. The Results page will appear (below) with the grade, all the questions, correct answers, and solutions to every problem. The Results page can be downloaded, saved, and printed for your records.


6. Students re-learn and correct missed problems by looking at the correct answer and watching the video solutions for each missed problem. Each missed problem must be solved correctly on a corrections page.


7.  If a problem cannot be corrected, the student should email Dr. Shormann. If the student has any handwritten work on the problem, they should take a picture of it and include it in the email. Then Dr. Shormann can quickly show the student where their mistake is. 


8. All grades are stored in the online grade book. Parents and students can view the grade book. Parents request grade changes and assignment resets at any time.



Every fourth lesson there is a four question quiz over the past four new concepts. Notes can be used during the quiz. There is a time limit of twenty minutes, which is about twice as much as most students need. See the FAQs for a work around, if more time is needed.  


Quarterly Exams

Every twenty five lessons a quarterly exam is administered. This is a cumulative test covering all the material the student should have mastered to that point. Two to three practice exams are provided to prepare for the exam. Quarterly exams prepare students for college math exams that cover a large body of material. 



Overview of Shormann Math 




Standing on the shoulders of math giants like Euclid, Euler, Newton, together with John Saxon’s common sense teaching methods, we are pleased to present Shormann Math! Taught from a Christian foundation, this new curriculum by David Shormann builds on a firm foundation of time tested, proven methods, enhanced with 21st Century content delivery.

Because scholars consider mathematics to be “the language of science,” these courses teach math like a language. In a foreign language course, you don’t learn nouns for a year, verbs for another year, etc. You learn a little of each concept, combined with lots of practice and review, Then you combine the different concepts together to create more complex concepts. Fluency is achieved through patient practice and repetition.

While Algebra 1-level concepts will be the focus of our first course, our primary goal is to teach mathematics, not just algebra. For example, Algebra 1 and 2 will contain a full credit of geometry, including plenty of proofs, even some straight out of Euclid’s famous book, The Elements. But we’ll also introduce non-Euclidean geometry, and show students how the concept of proof applies to all of mathematics, not just geometry. In fact, all the algebra, geometry, trigonometry, etc. that a student will find on the SAT (including the new SAT) or ACT will be covered in Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. 

Most modern mathematics curricula ignore math history. But ideas have consequences, and studying history often reveals which ideas are worth repeating and which ones aren’t. There is a rich Christian heritage in math. Whether or not you are using a classical, trivium/quadrivium approach to your child’s education, understanding mathematics within a biblical, historical framework will help students make more sense out of what they are learning and why they are learning it.

“If I have seen a little further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”
-Isaac Newton



CourseCreditsTest Prep


1 Pre-algebra


Algebra 1

with Integrated Geometry

1 Algebra 1
1/2 Geometry

First part of prep for: PSAT, SAT, ACT, CLEP College Algebra, CLEP College Math

Algebra 2

with Integrated Geometry

1 Algebra 2
1/2 Geometry*

Prep for: PSAT, SAT, ACT, CLEP College Algebra, CLEP College Math


with Trigonometry

1 Precalculus with Geometry
1/2 Geometry**

CLEP Precalculus
Review prep for: PSAT, SAT, ACT, CLEP College Algebra and CLEP College Math

Calculus 1

1 Calculus 1

CLEP Calculus, AP Calculus AB
Review prep for: PSAT, SAT, ACT, and CLEP Precalculus

Calculus 2

1 Calculus 2

AP Calculus AB and BC

 *If Saxon Algebra 1, 3rd Edition (1/3 credit of Geometry) was taken, completion of Shormann Algebra 2 earns 1 full credit of Geometry and 1 full credit of Algebra 2. Learn More

**If Saxon Algebra 2, 2nd or 3rd Edition (1/2 credit of Geometry) was taken, 1/2 credit of Geometry and 1 full credit of Precalculus is earned in Shormann PrecalculusLearn More



Frequently Asked Questions



What is Shormann Interactive Math?

Published by Dr. Shormann, author of the award winning DIVE video lectures for Saxon Math, and based on John Saxon’s original teaching methods of incremental development, continual review, and integrated algebra and geometry, Shormann Math is a 21st Century curriculum that teaches all the concepts required to excel on the newly redesigned PSAT and SAT as well as the ACT. It includes concepts like technology applications, computer math, real-world word problems, and non-standard solutions not found in Saxon Math. 

  • Expert video instruction for every lesson

  • Interactive homework with automated grading and grade recording

  • Embedded help links to quickly re-learn forgotten concepts

  • Video solutions for every homework question

  • Q&A email support with Dr. Shormann

  • Weekly quizzes and quarterly exams with solutions

  • Over 200 practice problems for the ACT redesigned PSAT and SAT

  • 3-6 week prep course for CLEP and AP exams earn up to 14 college credits

  • Hosted in a state-of-the-art eLearning system similar to college math courses

  • Self-paced Course with 24 month subscription period; offline access is provided

  • Parents retain control of grading- change grades and reset assignments as needed

  • Based on a biblical and historical foundation that inspires students to excel

  • Not Common Core aligned


What’s the difference between Saxon and Shormann Math?

See this article for a detailed description and comparison chart: Saxon vs Shormann Math ,

 Thinkwell vs Shormann Interactive Math


What does “biblical foundation” mean?

Built on a biblical and historical foundation, Shormann Math teaches math as the language of science;  a tool used to better understand God and His creation. With an emphasis on math history, students get a clearer picture of the "why" behind the math they are learning, shedding light on modern math's rich Christian heritage. Shormann Math students learn how to use math as a tool to explore their world and enhance their own God-given creativity.


Why Did Dr. Shormann publish a new curriculum?

After John Saxon passed away, Saxon Publishers was sold to Harcourt, which was acquired by Houghton Mifflin. Shortly thereafter, HMH released a Saxon Geometry text, along with the fourth editions of Algebra 1 and 2, confirming Dr. Shormann and other Saxon supporters suspicions that the Irish held mega-curriculum publisher would make detrimental changes to unique pedagogy that made John Saxon’s texts so effective. The new HMH texts had markedly less review, lacked the essential connections between the incremental lessons, and completely removed the integration of geometry and algebra. After 10 years of praying and researching, Dr. Shormann began writing a 21st century curriculum that embodied not only John Saxon's best ideas, but those of history's greatest mathematicians and math teachers. Preparing for PSAT, SAT, and ACT  


How does the Self-Paced eLearning course work?

Getting Started Lesson: This video walks you through the course and how it works.

Sample Lessons   

Where Should I Place My Child?

The chart here provides general recommendations for student placement. For a specific recommendation. please contact us here: Consulting Contact Form


How do I list Shormann Math credits on a transcript?

A Subject Transcript, which lists credits by subject instead of by year, is recommended for all students. This makes it very easy to see that your student has completed all the required credits. Learn more about How to create a high school transcripts.


Can my student transition from Saxon to Shormann Math?

Yes! Please see the transition recommendations here: Placement Chart.


Can Shormann Math be completed offline?

While the online eLearning course, featuring automated grading, instant feedback, and embedded links for quick and easy re-learning, is the most efficient way to complete Shormann Math courses, most assignments can also be completed offline. Please see How to Use Shormann Math Offline for detailed instructions.


Is Shormann Math Common Core aligned?

No, Shormann Interactive is built on a biblical foundation and has not been influenced by the “new math” in Common Core. However, it still provides excellent preparation for the redesigned PSAT and SAT, the ACT, as well as CLEP and AP exams, and college level math classes.


Can I print or save the online assignments?

Yes, after each assignment  is completed, a results page, with the questions, correct answers, and the students answers, is displayed. The results page can be saved and either printed or emailed to the parent or teacher.


Do I need to print the eText, eSolutions Manual, or eTeacher Guide?

No, it is not necessary to print any of these materials. All the content the student needs to complete the assignments are posted in the eLearning course with easy access. If you want to view the files offline, simply download and save the files to your computer.


My child has a learning disability. Can the time for the tests and quizzes be modified?

Yes. Have the student take each test or quiz twice. In the first attempt, complete only the first half of the exam. In the second attempt, complete the second half. Add the two scores together then request a grade change here. 


Which calculator is recommended?

Calculator Recommendations


Important Policies: 1. Because they contain downloadable files, I understand this course can't be refunded or exchanged for any reason. 2. I have read the Prerequisite section on the Description tab above to ensure I have placed my student in the correct course. I can contact a consultant at 3. I understand I can view sample lessons, at 4. Please allow 2 business days to set up your eLearning course(s). To login, follow the steps on your order confirmation email. 5. I understand that for each student I enroll in an eLearning course, I must enter a unique email address in the Student Email field. 6. I understand there are no physical products like books, etc included with this product. While not necessary for the course, we do have printable eBooks.

Product Reviews

  • 5
    Our three kids have been raised using DIVE math and science.

    Posted by Amy S on 29th Aug 2023

    This is our last year since our youngest is taking Calculus and Physics. Thank you for these programs and for helping our kids develop a love of math and science. You all have made a huge difference in our success with educating our kids! The older two are in college, chasing their dreams and this would not have been possible without DIVE. Our kids have been (informal) math tutors for their friends for years now. Your methods make so much sense to our kids but also to their friends when they are struggling to understand concepts. Our kids lovingly nicknamed Dr. Shormann Dr. Mathman when they were little. I still hear them refer to Dr. Shormann that way when they are quoting him. You’ve blessed our family! We appreciate you more than you know! Thank you!

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