
Sibling Subscription for Shormann Algebra 1 Self-Paced eLearning Course

You save: $2.99
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Please allow 2 business days to set up your eLearning course(s). To login, follow the steps on your order confirmation email.

For details on what to enter in the student fields below, please see: How to Enter Student Information for Siblings


This product can only be purchased if the Shormann Algebra 1 Self-Paced eLearning has been purchased on a previous order or is purchased at the same time for a student in your household. 

Order #: If you are purchasing the Sibling Subscription in the same order as the Shormann Algebra 2 eLearning Course, enter “This Order” in the order # field. If you purchased Shormann Algebra 2 on a previous order, enter the order #. You can view your order history by logging in to your account at All orders are manually checked.

Student Name, Email, etc:  See: How to Enter Student Information for Siblings


What is a Sibling Subscription?

If you have purchased Shormann Algebra 1 eLearning course for your child, you can purchase a subcription for each sibling in your immediate family at a discounted price. For example, if eLearning Algebra 1 is purchased for Joe, when Joe’s little brother, John, is ready to take Shormann Algebra 1 (no time limit), a sibling subscription can be purchased for John at a discounted price. 


When Should I Purchase a Sibling Subscription?

A Sibling Subscription should be purchased near the time the sibling will start the course. If the sibling is taking the course with the primary student, purchase the courses together. If the sibling is taking the course in a year or two, purchase the sibling subscription close to the time the student is ready. There is no time limit between purchasing the primary student's course and purchasing each sibling subscription. 


Email Addresses

Student Email Address

The eLearning system requires a unique email address to setup each student's account. However, the student email address is not used to communicate with the parent or student. It is only used for a password re-set, if needed. Therefore, any working email address you own can be listed in the Student Email field. Please do not list the same email address for two or more students. 


Parent Email Address

The email address listed during check out, should be the parent’s email. This is the address the the eLearning course login credentials will be sent. This is also the email address used to contact the parent, if needed.


Parent Login

Parents use the student's login credentials to view assignments, grades, results, etc. After each assignment is completed, the student can email the results page that displays all the questions, the correct answer and your student's answer. The results for each assignment can also be viewed by clicking on the grade in the grade book. 


Can a parent take the course along with my student?

If the parent would like to complete assignments, a sibling subscription can be purchased for the parent. 




Product Reviews

  • 5
    A Real Life Line!

    Posted by Liz on 10th Jul 2018

    I have 3 children using the Algebra /Geometry course, and a 4th child will be starting in the fall. I can't imagine trying to teach them all myself (as much as I enjoy algebra). They really like the course, and the grades are stored for me in their accounts. It's great to have such help!

  • 4
    Great program

    Posted by Dawn on 30th Nov 2016

    My two 8th graders are enjoying using this program very much. They find it easy to follow & understand

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