
Shormann Precalculus Placement Information & Test

Student Completed Algebra 1, 2, and Geometry (Not Saxon)


Learning Precalculus requires fluency (speed and accuracy) in both Geometry and Algebra 2 skills. Students who use a traditional public school format that teaches math in "chunks" of Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 , spend at least one year without practicing either geometry or algebra. This can make it difficult to learn precalculus (all publishers) . Therefore, Dr. Shormann makes the following recommendations:

1. Take the Placement Test 

2. If you don’t pass, read the following information:


Did Not Pass the Placement Test for Precalculus:
Shormann Algebra 2 with Integrated Geometry is usually recommended. This course will build mastery and fluency in both geometry and algebra, while providing excellent preparation for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. It also includes a 3-6 week CLEP College Algebra prep course which earns 1 high school math credit and up to 3 college credits. 


  • Has student scored well on the math section of the PSAT, SAT, or ACT


Yes: If your student does not pass the placement test, but is a good or strong math student who successfully completed Algebra 2 and Geometry, and has done well on the math section of the PSAT, SAT, or ACT, Dr. Shormann recommends Shormann Precalculus.

No: While Shormann Precalculus reviews PSAT, SAT, and ACT concepts, Shormann Algebra 2 has over 200 practice problems from these exams. You may want to consider taking this course then take the CLEP College Algebra exam which earns 1 high school math credit and can earn up to 3 college math credits.


Passed the Placement Test 

These students are ready for Shormann Precalculus. The first 25 lessons provide review of the foundational concepts needed to successfully complete this course. Since it has been a year since the student took either geometry or algebra, some of these review lessons may not be review to your student. Use the self-paced Timed Method described in the Teacher Guide to ensure the student has the additional time required to learn these concepts without becoming overwhelmed or frustrated. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my student skip or move faster through the review lessons?
The review lessons at the beginning of the course develop fluency (speed and accuracy) in the algebra and geometry skills needed to build on and learn the Precalculus and Trigonometry concepts. Think of a baseball pitcher or a pianist, who practices the same pitch or piece of music over and over until they can do it quickly and accurately every time. This is they type of fluency that is required to learn Precalculus. Therefore, Dr. Shormann recommends all students start with lesson 1 and complete all lessons as instructed. If the student has achieved fluency on a concept in the review lessons, he will naturally complete the lesson in less time and can go ahead and start the next lesson. However, don’t allow the student to work on math for more than 1.5 -2 hours per day. After this time, the brain cannot retain the information, so it has the same effect as skipping it, creating gaps which make it difficult to build on and learn new concepts.