This booklet is a hard copy of the 100 Practice Sets (homework) for those who would like their students to complete the Practice Sets offline with paper and pencil. For details, see: Hybrid Method
We sell a hard copy of the full textbook with the rules and definitions, new lesson, and the practice sets. See: Textbooks for Shormann Math
The booklet is printed on 3-hole punch paper, double sided, in black and white and includes free USPS Advantage (3-5 day) shipping. They average 300 pages. For ease of use, you may want to put one quarter of the lessons (25 lessons) at a time in the 3-ring binder.
While there is a PDF of the Solutions Manual, we don't currently sell a hard copy as it is not really necessary and parents can easily view it on a computer or device. After submitting their answers in the eLearning course, students should re-learn and correct missed problems by watching the video solutions for each missed problem and solve them correctly on paper.