
DIVE Stream & Download: Video Lectures & Labs for Saxon Physics, First Edition

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Watch the Getting Started Video below to see how it works. 


DIVE Physics is not available as an eLearning course. There are no sibling subscriptions. 


The DIVE Stream & Download format is Our Recommended Format

With unlimited streaming and downloads to multiple devices, the DIVE Physics Download & Stream is licensed for use by all the children in your immediate family. After purchase of the Download & Stream format, an email confirmation of your order is sent. Within an hour or so, another email is sent, titled Watch Now, with a link to access lectures. See Detailed Instructions. Since CDs are easily lost or damaged, we recommend the Download & Stream format. 


  • Video Lectures for Every Lesson in the Saxon Textbook

  • 28 Video Labs  

  • Printable PDF of the DIVE Physics Lab Workbook (purchase a physical copy: Lab Workbook 

  •  Compatible with All Macs, Linux, and Windows XP and later

  •   DIVE Teacher Guide

  • Required Materials:
    •  Saxon Physics Homeschool Kit with Solutions Manual (purchase from Rainbow Resource
    • Lab Workbook (This is optional because there is a printable PDF included in the course)


Pre-requisite: Pre-Calculus (or DIVE Advanced Math) completed or taken concurrently


VIDEO LECTURES Provide Expert Instruction for every lesson

DIVE Physics teaches every lesson in the Saxon Physics curriculum Typically completed in 11th or 12th grade, DIVE Physics is a full-year course teaching concepts found in a typical high school AP physics course, preparing students for the AP Physics 1 and 2 exams. Topics include but are not limited to Science and Christianity, Newton’s laws, speed and velocity, torque, impulse/momentum, relativity theory, work, gases and thermodynamics, potential and kinetic energy, electricity and magnetism, circuit theory and Ohm’s law, and reflection and refraction. DIVE Physics contains 100 lectures, one for each lesson in the Saxon Physics textbook. TABLE OF CONTENTS.


Students using DIVE Physics will become skilled at working with the scientific method, become familiar with the use of technology in science, and develop their lab skills above and beyond most of their peers. Most importantly, students will have a better understanding and appreciation for the rich Christian heritage that exists in science, and will better understand the importance of studying His word and His works as they seek to become good rulers of His creation. There are 23 video labs, most of which are taught using the scientific method. Students formulate a hypothesis, perform the experiment, and then use the results to determine whether their hypothesis was correct. The majority of DIVE Physics labs use equipment that is too cost-prohibitive for home use, and therefore a supply list is not currently available for the labs. A printable workbook is included on the DIVE CD containing all lab activities. Scroll down to view a sample.  
Quarterly exams are an integral part of DIVE Physics, as they promote study habits similar to what a student should expect in college, where exams are given infrequently, yet cover several weeks of material. Students prepare for the quarterly exams by studying their weekly Saxon tests. If they understand the material on the Saxon weekly tests, then the quarterly exams are not difficult. A grade calculator is also provided. Parents simply enter homework, lab, Saxon weekly test and DIVE quarterly exam grades into the calculator, and it automatically calculates the student’s overall grade.
Upon completion of DIVE Physics, students who want to go a step further can also purchase the CLEP Professor course to prepare for the AP Physics 1 and 2 Exams as well as 70% of the AP Physics C Exams (The College Board does not offer a CLEP Physics exam).

AP Physics Exam Preparation

There are four AP Physics exams. DIVE/Saxon Physics + CLEP Professor for AP Physics teaches everything required for the AP Physics 1& 2 exams as well as 70% of the AP Physics C exams. Please see the Physics C exams section on how to learn the remaining information. 



Students should complete the required DIVE/Saxon Lessons at least six weeks before the AP exam date to prepare. 


Which AP Physics Exam Should My Student Take?

Depending on your student's math level and your start date, there are several options:



Student Taking Precalculus in 10th Grade and Calculus in 11th Grade


10th Grade: First 2/3 or so of DIVE/Saxon Physics course

11th Grade: Prepare for and take one or both AP Physics C Exams

This is the most challenging option and makes the most competitive application.



Student Taking Precalculus in 11th Grade (or Saxon Advanced Math) and Calculus in 12th

11th Grade: Take AP Physics 1 or AP Physics 1 & 2

12th Grade: Take AP Physics C: Mechanics or AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism or both



AP Physics 1(Algebra-Based Exam)

 Complete DIVE/Saxon Physics through lesson 80, complete CLEP Professor for AP Physics. 


AP Physics 1 & 2 (Algebra-Based Exams)
To prepare for the AP Physics 1 & 2 exams, we recommend you complete the DIVE/Saxon Physics course by mid-March to early April to allow time to prepare specifically for the exam using our CLEP Professor for AP Physics. This is a three to six week software course that provides specific preparation for the AP Physics exam. 


AP Physics C (Calculus-Based Exams)
DIVE/Saxon + CLEP Professor for AP Physics teaches about 70% of the material presented on the AP Physics C exams. To prepare for the AP Physics C exams, complete the DIVE/Saxon Physics course, the CLEP Professor for AP Physics, and a test prep book for the AP Physics C exam you plan to take. To prepare for this exam, students should have either completed Calculus or take it along with the Physics course. Both C exams can be taken in the same year. 


AP Registration, Transcripts, and More

Select the link below to learn more about AP Exams


Advanced Placement FAQs



Product Reviews

  • 5
    Our three kids have been raised using DIVE math and science.

    Posted by Amy S on 29th Aug 2023

    This is our last year since our youngest is taking Calculus and Physics. Thank you for these programs and for helping our kids develop a love of math and science. You all have made a huge difference in our success with educating our kids! The older two are in college, chasing their dreams and this would not have been possible without DIVE. Our kids have been (informal) math tutors for their friends for years now. Your methods make so much sense to our kids but also to their friends when they are struggling to understand concepts. Our kids lovingly nicknamed Dr. Shormann Dr. Mathman when they were little. I still hear them refer to Dr. Shormann that way when they are quoting him. You’ve blessed our family! We appreciate you more than you know! Thank you!

  • 5
    Engaging & Informative

    Posted by Nathan R. on 4th Sep 2020

    I am a home schooled high school sophomore taking this course for one of my high school science requirements. Currently, I am about a quarter of the way through, and I am really enjoying it. The explanations are detailed and understandable, and physics has become one of my all-time favorite courses. I hope to take one of the AP Physics tests this spring with this as my main preparation. Thanks a lot for this great course!

  • 5
    Wonderful Course!

    Posted by Jennifer on 31st Mar 2019

    Hello! We wanted to share with you the joy we had when opening the results of my son's AP Physics B Exam. He received a four out of a possible five. His junior year was a year of diligent study for him. The only materials he used were your Saxon + DIVE + CLEP Professor Physics. Thank you for your wonderful course! He will continue his studies in Calculus and Physics as you recommended below for his upcoming Senior year. Thanks again! To God be the Glory,

  • 5
    Highly Recommend!

    Posted by Lisa C on 31st Mar 2019

    “I highly recommend DIVE Science. The DIVE courses are written with the AP and CLEP in mind. My daughter finally made the switch as a senior and wished she would done it sooner. She felt it prepared her to get an A for her two semesters in Anatomy and Physiology. And gave her what she needs to be a 4.0 nursing BSN student. My son who is a national merit finalist was stuck in apologia chemistry until we switched to BJU with DIVE. He also did all the Physics APs. He felt this prepared him for the rigors of his electrical engineering program. He is also a 4.0 engineering student. These programs in high school really turned things around for them in science. They are both majoring in heavily technical/scientific fields. Here is the proof in the pudding scores, Chemistry 4/5 AP, Biology CLEP 70's, Physics B and both C exams a 5/5. BTW my daughter who did the Chemistry AP without DIVE and just Apologia got a 3/5. As you can see now as a Junior in college with a 4.0 she had more potential than what just the Apologia could give her. Loved Apologia in the younger years, but in our family it didn't make the cut for high school.

  • 5
    Top 1% ACT STEM Score

    Posted by Laura I on 30th Mar 2019

    Thank for your help via DIVE Algebra, Chemistry, Advanced Math, and Physics. Attached are his ACT scores. We are particularly pleased with his math and science scores. ​A STEM score of 34 means he is in the top 1% of all students who took the ACT!​

  • 5
    Thank you, Dr. Shormann!

    Posted by Sam H on 30th Mar 2019

    My name is Samuel H and I am a second year college student majoring in engineering. I was homeschooled in junior high and high school. I took biology, chemistry, physics, and all of my Saxon math classes through your DIVE courses. It really made a difference in how I understood it! You were part of the reason that I actually developed an interest in math and science, especially math and physics. I love math. I admired the way you taught and explained it and it kind of steered me towards engineering.

  • 5
    AP Physics Results

    Posted by Jennifer on 26th Jul 2015

    Hello! We wanted to share with you the joy we had when opening the results of my son's AP Physics B Exam. He received a four out of a possible five. His junior year was a yearof diligent study for him. The only materials he used were your Saxon+ DIVE + CLEP Professor Physics. Thank you for your wonderful course! He is currently applying to colleges (U. of Michigan, Iowa State, Texas A&M, and also for an appointment to the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point). He will continue his studies in Calculus and Physics as you recommended below for his upcoming Senior year. Thanks again! To God be the Glory!

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