
Advanced Placement Prep Courses

Advancement Placement (AP) tests allow high school students to get college credit for courses without taking the class themselves. This exam is the culmination of an AP class taken throughout the year, which pushes students beyond typical high school curriculum.

As a student, you save money and time by taking the advanced courses and passing the AP exams with a score of three or higher. This high score is widely accepted across many colleges and institutions as a replacement for a college-level course. AP credits mean you can speed through college quicker and reduce the amount of student loan debt incurred.

AP exams are not generally easy, and many students spend weeks studying and preparing for the exam itself. DIVE Interactive Education helps students through this test prep with CLEP Professor.

CLEP Professor is a digital study program created by Dr. Shormann that helps students bridge the gap of high school curriculum and material covered on the AP exam (or the CLEP exam administered by College Board).

We have CLEP Professor programs for AP physics, CLEP and AP chemistry, CLEP and AP biology, and CLEP and AP calculus. With CLEP Professor, students can earn as many as 34 college credits!

CLEP Professor is an affordable alternative to college courses because it provides college-level instruction through a three-week program. The course begins with a diagnostic test which helps students determine which of the 20 lessons to complete. Each subsequent lesson includes a variety of video lectures that teach about the different topics on the exam, practice problems with video solutions to ensure understanding, and Q&A service with Dr. Shormann to make it an interactive learning platform.

Finally, CLEP Professor includes three practice AP exams to help students determine readiness before the actual exam takes place.

Prepare yourself for the AP exam with the help of CLEP Professor.

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