
Student Completed Algebra 1 No Geometry

For students who have completed Algebra 1 but, did not use Saxon or Shormann Math, and have NOT completed Geometry


Along with teaching all the concepts to earn one credit of Algebra 2, Shormann Algebra 2 also teaches all the concepts to earn the second half of a geometry credit.This means students who did not use Saxon or Shormann for Algebra 1, are not prepared for Shormann Algebra 2.


If you have a strong or gifted math student, they may be able to learn the geometry in the review lessons of Shormann Algebra 2. However, it is imperative that you give them a placement test to confirm readiness.  Learn More: Gifted Math Student


If your student does not pass the placement test, instead of taking 1/2 of a stand-alone geometry course, Dr. Shormann recommends these students take Shormann Algebra 1 with Integrated Geometry. This will review and develop fluency in their algebra skills while they learn the needed geometry concepts. 


Also, unlike a traditional Algebra 1 curriculum, Shormann Algebra 1 teaches computer math, technology applications, and foundations of calculus (pre-algebra level) not found in traditional Algebra 1 courses. 



While this may seem redundant, many of the concepts in Shormann Algebra1 will be new to your student. Since most curricula do not provide the continual review required to build long-term retention, the concepts that were taught in the student’s Algebra 1 course have often been forgotten or, at the very least, extra practice is needed to develop fluency. Fluency (speed and accuracy) is required to learn Algebra 2  and excel on timed standardized tests like college entrance exams. 


If my student has already taken Algebra 1, how do I list the credit for taking Shormann Algebra 1?
After taking Shormann Algebra 1, take Shormann Algebra 2. Then you have earned 1 full credit of geometry. So you can list the original Algebra 1 curriculum as your Algebra 1 credit, list Shormann Algebra 1 as a Geometry credit, then list Shormann Algebra 2 as an Algebra 2 credib(see the chart below). Keep in mind, the name of the curriculum is not listed on the transcript. List only the name of the requirement the curriculum fulfills like this: 


Curriculum                    List on Transcript               Credits

Original Algebra 1               Algebra 1                                          1

Shormann Algebra 1           Geometry                                        1

Shormann Algebra 2           Algebra 2                                        1

Since 1 credit of Geometry is earned in Shormann Algebra 1 and Shormann Algebra 2,  retaking Algebra 1 using Shormann Math followed by Shormann Algebra 2 will not take any longer than if the student takes the traditional courses, Geometry, and Algebra 2. In fact, because the Shormann Math self-paced eLearning courses makes learning more efficient, it may actually take less time. Together, Shormann Algebra 1 and 2 teach every concept on the newly redesigned PSAT and SAT, as well as the ACT, and CLEP College Algebra exam (earns up to 3 college credits), including over 200 practice problems from these exams. But the foundation is taught in Shormann Algebra 1.  


Can I skip some of the lessons in Shormann Algebra 1 or do only the Geometry lessons?
No. The problem with skipping the algebra and only doing the geometry lessons, is that the student will lose fluency in algebraic skills, making it harder to learn the geometry in Algebra 1 and harder to understand Algebra 2.  Shormann Algebra 1 teaches computer math, technology applications (ie: Geometer's Sketchpad, spreadsheets, etc), and Algebra 1 level PSAT, SAT, and ACT concepts not taught in a traditional Algebra 1 curriculum. Therefore, to develop the fluency required to learn Algebra 2, we recommend all students start with Lesson 1 and complete all lessons as instructed.


Will my student be bored if Shormann Algebra 1 is taken
No. Shormann Algebra 1 has many concepts not found in standard Algebra 1 courses, but are required to excel on the PSAT, SAT, and ACT.  Teaching the concepts required for ½ credit of geometry , Shormann Algebra 1 requires the student to apply algebra to geometry. Even If some concepts were learned in the previous Algebra 1 course, fluency (speed and accuracy) was probably not achieved because most courses do not provide continual practice (daily practice of a concept over a long period of time). It’s not enough to know how to solve a problem, they must do it quickly and accurately. This level of fluency is required to build on and apply the concept to a new situation, like science or standardized test questions ( PSAT, SAT, and ACT).  Like playing piano or pitching, daily practice of these skills, over and over, are required to develop fluency. 


If I have taken Algebra 1, can I do only the geometry lessons in Shormann Algebra 1?
The problem with skipping the algebra lessons, is that the student will lose fluency in the algebraic skills developed in Algebra 1, making it harder when learning how to apply algebra to geometry and when learning Algebra 2.  Shormann Algebra 1 teaches many concepts not found in most Algebra 1 courses, like computer math, technology applications (ie: Geometer's Sketchpad, spreadsheets, etc), and Algebra 1 level PSAT, SAT, and ACT concepts. Therefore, we recommend all students start with Lesson 1 and do all the lessons as instructed. However, this will only take about the same amount of time, or less, than if the student takes a traditional Geometry course  then Algebra 2.


My student struggled in Algebra 1. How do I know he won't struggle in Shormann Algebra 1?
Most students who struggle in Algebra 1 are usually struggling due to a lack of fluency in reducing and converting fractions, decimals, and percents. Similar to memorizing multiplication facts to learn long-division and fractions, memorizing specific fraction, decimal, and percent conversions makes learning algebra much easier. Unfortunately, most pre-algebra* and algebra curricula do not teach this. Therefore, Shormann Algebra 1 includes 10 five minute drill worksheets that develop fluency in these essential skills. This is another way Shormann Math makes achieving higher levels of learning faster and easier!

*Our pre-algebra course, DIVE with Saxon Math 8/7, does an excellent job of developing fluency in these skills and is recommended for all pre-algebra students. 


Is Shormann Math too hard for average and struggling math students? 
While it does teach to the PSAT, SAT, and ACT standards (instead of state high school standards), Shormann Math teaches in short "bite-sized" lessons that slowly build on each other to develop complex concepts that are easy to understand. Also, the intensity of the course is easily modified by limiting the amount of time the student spends on math each day. We call this the timed method. Basically, instead of requiring the student to complete 1 lesson per day, students work on math a minimum of 4 or 5 days per week for 1 - 1.5 hours. At the end of this time, regardless of how much of the lesson is completed, have the student stop and pick up where they left off the next day. This ensures the student has the extra time, when needed, to slow down and grasp a concept or go back and relearn forgotten concepts. In our experience, using the timed method removes the drudgery of "math is going to take forever", allowing the student to focus on learning math, building retention and fluency, which in turn makes learning math faster and easier. Keep in mind, since Shormann Algebra 1 earns 3 semesters of credits (1 credit of Algebra 1 and 1 credit of Geometry), it's okay to take three semesters to complete the course.