
DIVE End User License Agreement

The DIVE End User License Agreement (EULA) for DIVE CDs, Downloads, and Stream & Download courses grants a license to the original purchaser, and the children in their household, to view the content. This license is non-transferable which means it is illegal to sell, loan, share, give away, or otherwise distribute the content to anyone else. However, the courses can be viewed on multiple computers and devices for use by all the children in the original purchaser’s immediate family.


Can I share the course content with a tutor?
We cannot give permission to share the content with anyone outside your immediate family. However, if you are using a Shormann Math or DIVE course, there is no need for a tutor. All DIVE courses include Q&A Support with Dr. Shormann. If you use a tutor, make sure they read and follow the instructions in the DIVE or Shormann Teacher Guide, under Support in the upper right corner of our website.

Can I give my used CD to a missionary or a friend who can’t afford it?
While we can’t give permission to give them away, we keep our prices as low as possible so that all families can afford them.

I borrowed, was given, or purchased a used CD. What should I do?
Return the CD and purchase a legal copy. If you paid for the CD, request a refund. Since the CD was sold illegally, Amazon and eBay will make the seller give a refund. We recommend you purchase the digital format instead of the CD. There is no CD to lose or damage, it has unlimited downloads for use by all your children, and it plays on all Macs, Linux, Windows XP and later, plus the iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone. Learn more here: Digital vs CD

What is an End User License Agreement (EULA)?
Most computer software is licensed for use by the customer through a legal contract called an "End User License Agreement" (EULA). All DIVE courses contain a non-transferable End User License Agreement that grants the original purchaser, and their immediate family, a license to view the course content. The license is non-transferable which means selling, loaning, sharing, or giving the course away is prohibited. This is an industry standard because unlike books, software is easy to copy and sell as a used product. Restricting used software makes it easier to protect against illegal copies.

Why Does DIVE have an EULA?

  • All DIVE courses include Q&A email support with Dr. Shormann, and free consulting services to help with transcripts, college entrance exams, earning college credit via CLEP and AP exams, and more. DIVE courses are more like taking a class than just purchasing a book.

  • Used CDs are usually damaged but the damage is difficult to detect. Microscopic scratches can be deep enough to make the CD stop working. Each lecture is stored as an individual file. The first 40 lessons may work fine, then suddenly the CD stops working or skips.

  • The packaging and instructions on a used CD is often wrong or missing. Customers often receive the wrong edition or find the CD is outdated and incompatible with current operating systems.

  • Because the CDs are usually damaged or incompatible, technical support for used CDs is time intensive and expensive. Therefore, servicing used CDs would cost us more, forcing us to raise our prices.

How is the EULA activated and agreed to?
* CD-ROMs: The DIVE EULA is activated when the original shrink wrap is removed. If your CD did not have the original shrink wrap around the wallet, the CD is considered used. If the shrink wrap was removed by you, it is legal to use the CD. However, since the CD was not purchased from DIVE or an authorized reseller, we can’t verify your CD was new. This means the CD is not eligible for the Upgrade Program or technical support by phone.

  • Digital Formats: The EULA is activated when you click the link to access the digital format.

I need to purchase a used CD to save money.
While it may seem like purchasing a used CD will save money, used CDs are often damaged or incompatible with current operating systems, requiring the purchase of a new course. In the end, used CDs usually cost the customer more, not less.

Isn’t it wasteful to throw the CD away?
No. A blank CD-ROM can be purchased for about 30 cents. The value of the DIVE CD is not the CD-ROM, it’s the intellectual property (video instruction) on the the CD.