1. There are five credit charts on this page.
Shormann Math: For students who only used Shormann Math for high school math.
Saxon & Shormann Math For students who took one or more Saxon Math courses and one or more Shormann Math courses.
Saxon Math: For students who took only Saxon Math courses.
DIVE Science Credits
CLEP & AP Credits
2. Scroll down to the appropriate chart.
3. In column 1 of that table, find the row that lists ALL the courses your student has completed (or will complete).
4. List the titles in the "Title on Transcript" column of that row on the transcript under Courses. Do not list the name of the Math curriculum (ie: Shormann Algebra 1 with Integrated Geometry or Saxon Algebra 1). List only the titles in that column exactly as they are shown and in the same order.
5. List all the credits in the Credits column under Credits on the transcript.
Only four math credits should be listed on a transcript. If Calculus is completed in high school, list only the last four credits. For example: Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus. Admissions and scholarship personnel know that Algebra 1 was also completed.
This table is for students who only used Shormann Math for their high school math courses.
Use this table for students who completed one or more Saxon Math courses and one or more Shormann Math courses.
This table is for students who used Saxon Math for their high school math courses.
CLEP and AP exams are another important component for college admissions and scholarships. Not only can these exams help you earn college credit, they also validate the courses and grades on your transcript and demonstrate college readiness. According to The College Board, a passing score on the AP Calculus exam is the number one indicator of college success.
Instructions for CLEP & AP Credits
Our CLEP Professor courses are short 3-8 week prep courses that provide expert instruction for select CLEP and AP exams. These courses are used after completing the corresponding high school course and include video lectures, practice problems with video solutions, practice exams, and Q&A email support with Dr. Shormann. If your student earned a passing score on one of these exams, it can be listed on your transcript as instructed below.
1. List the name and score of all passing CLEP and AP exams at the bottom of the transcript as shown on the sample transcript.
2. Send a request to the College Board to send your official scores to the college(s) you are applying to.
3. Unless you received AP designation for your syllabus from the College Board, you cannot list AP on your transcript. However, listing a class as AP on the transcript is usually not very beneficial to homeschoolers. Learn More: AP Exams